2024 Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to our 2024 scholarship recipients!
Please do not hesitate to donate to our other scholarships and programs. Your help is highly appreciated.
Ariana Fernanda Gomez
Leo Jimenez Carreño Scholarship. This scholarship was created in memory of Leo Jimenez Carreño who was a wonderful young man full of energy and love. He touched many lives and will continue to do so through this scholarship.
Cesar Puga
Leo Jimenez Carreño Scholarship. This scholarship was created in memory of Leo Jimenez Carreño who was a wonderful young man full of energy and love. He touched many lives and will continue to do so through this scholarship.
Vanessa Vargas
The Mike Garcia Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of an individual who gave much to the world through his art, mentorship and also economic contributions to many causes that included the educational success of undocumented students. This scholarship is for 2024 undocumented high school Latinx graduating seniors.
Areli Garcia
Robert Lotero Scholarship. Robert Lotero worked for California Rural Legal Assistance and over the years did much work to protect the rights of students. Lideres del Futuro Avanzando wants to honor his work and has created one scholarship for a future Latinx attorney and another for a future Latinx teacher. One person can in-fact change the lives of many individuals. Robert often found himself facing schools and school districts when fighting for equity for English Language Learners and their families.
Evelin Ibanez
Leo Jimenez Carreño Scholarship. This scholarship was created in memory of Leo Jimenez Carreño who was a wonderful young man full of energy and love. He touched many lives and will continue to do so through this scholarship.
Jorge Hurtado
La Beca Conmemorativa Emma Guzmán Silva fue creada en memoria de una líder comunitaria en Oaxaca, México, que dedicó la mayor parte de su vida a cuidar a lxs demás. En agosto del 2023 inició su viaje al mundo espiritual y su familia reconoce que necesitamos futuros enfermerxs y médicos que mejoren la vida de las personas, al igual que ella lo hizo durante la mayor parte de su vida. Esta beca está destinada a estudiantes universitarios latinx que se acaban de graduar de la preparatoria y que asistiran por primer año al Santa Rosa Junior College, la Universidad Estatal de Sonoma o UC Davis con el objetivo de convertirse en enfermerxs o médicos.
Aaliyah Sanchez
Dr. Maria Hess was a co-founder of Humanidad Therapy & Education Services. She recognized that the Latinx community needed culturally appropriate therapy programs. The Maria Hess Memorial Scholarship is meant for a Latinx College student at SRJC or SSU with a major in psychology. We wish to honor her many contributions to the Latinx community of Northern California.
Victor Ivan Cuevas
Dr. Maria Hess was a co-founder of Humanidad Therapy & Education Services. She recognized that the Latinx community needed culturally appropriate therapy programs. The Maria Hess Memorial Scholarship is meant for a Latinx College student at SRJC or SSU with a major in psychology. We wish to honor her many contributions to the Latinx community of Northern California.
Erandi Hernandez Aguilar
Leo Jimenez Carreño Scholarship. This scholarship was created in memory of Leo Jimenez Carreño who was a wonderful young man full of energy and love. He touched many lives and will continue to do so through this scholarship.
Adrian Avalos
Dr. Maria Hess was a co-founder of Humanidad Therapy & Education Services. She recognized that the Latinx community needed culturally appropriate therapy programs. The Maria Hess Memorial Scholarship is meant for a Latinx College student at SRJC or SSU with a major in psychology. We wish to honor her many contributions to the Latinx community of Northern California.